We Are Ollie Collie

Ollie is our muse. Without him, Ollie Collie would never have come into being. He bounced into our lives, a bundle of fluff and Border Collie energy at just three months old from our local Dogs Trust. Now we’d never be without him.

Border Collies became an obsession, and so Ollie Collie the company was born!

The inspiration for the brand is about Ollie himself and shows all of his best features from his white tipped nose and tail, to his cheeky ‘tongue out’ face and spiky ‘ruff’. We think our fun design best shows off Ollie’s playful, mischievous side. 

But more than that, we wanted to inspire people to live more adventurously, to explore, get outside, get dirty, run, jump and play but come home and enjoy some fun little luxuries - just like Ollie does!

Anyone who owns a Border Collie will know that they are never boring and we certainly try to live up to that too. We're always trying to find new ways to live life to the full. 

If Ollie had a favourite quote we think it would be this one from Shanti, "at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair should be messy and your eyes sparkling".

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